
Monday -Today we got up really today to go to Xela, we went to walmart first to get some more stuff for some brownies, then we went to my Physical Therapy and it went good, I am improving a lot so that's really good. We then came back right after to Momos. We got here and got changed and went over to the church to play soccer and volleyball, we played soccer for a bit, then we played volleyball with some of the hermanas and the elders. IT went really good, it was really fun, we played for a long time, then we came back and got changed and we went and got a little hamburger and then went to write our parents. AFter my comp and I went back to our area to work for a little bit, we then came back to study and then we went to sleep because we needed to get up early.
Tuesday’ -So last night I woke up around 3 to a txt message from our president saying that our interviews that were for today are cancelled and that they will be next week. But I was so tired and turned off our alarms that were for early in the morning. We then got up and we washed our clothes and then we had our studies and it went really well. Later we visited this in active family and then we had lunch at our house. We made some peanut butter sandwiches. They were really good. We then left to go work, we then went with these investigators and they weren't home, then we went to visit this member and I gave the little kid a toy car because last time we were there I wasn't looking a stepped on his little toy car and broke it, my heart was gone I felt so bad. So I bought him a new one, he loved it and started playing with it as soon as he got it. We then hiked more and more up the mountain and were basically in the middle of nowhere!!! There was nothing just fields and mountains forever and ever. But we knew we had to find someone, we didn't come up here just for nothing so we looked around. And we found this awesome family!! They were so cool and we had a prayer with them. THen we came back and visited a member that wasn't there and later we went and got stuff to stay in momos for the night, we didn't have time to make brownies for this one guy and we showed up and he was kind of disappointed but its all good he gave us a ride to momos and it felt really weird to be in the back of a normal car haha. We got to momos met up with our companion and came back to sleep.
Wednesday- Today we got up really early to go to Xela again… we went and we dropped off our comp for the meeting of the leaders, then we went to my appt with the physical therapist, it went pretty good! We then came back to momos, and we had our studies and then we left to go contact some people, when we went, it was way far out!! We got there and the first lady we talked with was kind of being weird, she then asked in Quiche if we stole little kids.. Haha because there is rumors of gringos stealing little kids or something like that, I was like no haha!! WE then visited with her and her friends for a bit. Then we went with this family in active and it went really good. We sang hymns and shared a scripture. It went really good, they loved our singing and made us sing hymns and hymns in english haha, it was funny, they made me feel good about my singing haha. Then we went with a couple of people after and then we went back to the house and finished up some studies!  
Thursday- Today we got up early and had to get ready to be down in momos for a zone meeting that we were going to have! We had a meeting and I had to conduct it, my mom knows how I feel about conducting haha. IT went really good, the zone leader well our companion just talked about things they talked about in the council of leaders yesterday, president shared a really great message. We then got some new rules too, sometimes we get new rules and I dont exactly agree with them but we have to be obedient and obey them with exactness. They banned us from using axes, in our area everyone needs help cutting there wood, so I was kind of mad about that, but it was a rule that we need to follow. LAter after the meeting we cleaned the church a bit, then left with our companion Elder Paxtor and we worked down here in Momos, it went really good. We went with this investigator he had and we taught about baptism, and shared the importance of it and how the age fit and everything. It went really good, the spirit was really strong and we made him say a last prayer at the end too. We then went to lunch and this hermana here gave us a huge plate of spaghetti. It was huge and so good to get some food haha. We then came back to the house to get our stuff to go back to our area, but then a member canceled on our companion so we went up to our area with him and worked for a little bit then we got our stuff and went back down to momos, we got here and had our studies for the night! It went really good, we then went out and bought some food from a tienda, we made some guacamole tonight and it was really good. 
Friday- We got up and did some exercises together then we ordered some breakfast! After we had our weekly planning and my comp and I planned for our upcoming week, it went really good! We then came back to our area and left our other comp with a member, we had lunch and then went and contacted some people and we found a couple, we then came back and started making brownies, while they were cooking we did some studies. We then went to a family home evening with these members that are in actives and it went really good we shared a message they made dinner for us and we had the brownies it went really good and they were very thankful! 
Saturday- Today we got up and played basketball for a bit, then we left to go visit a family that lives way far, we hiked all the way up there and they weren't there…. But we contacted some other people and it went really good. Then we went this girl that we have been teaching and she loved hearing from us but her parents kind of dont want anything to do with us, but its all good. Then we came back and had lunch, it went really good we just had some mac and cheese, but its so bad, just not the same! I dont think I can eat again. Then we went to contact some people and this lady was making tortillas and we asked if we could help and said we knew how, she was like alright come in and see, we were kind of like uh oh… haha because we didnt know, but we just sent it, and we did a pretty good job making tortillas from hand. We then left to Tunayac, we went and found our investigator joshua, we taught him lesson 3 about the gospel of Jesus Christ, it went really well, the spirit was so strong we invited him to be baptized, he said yes but he just needs to ask permission from his mom, but his mom lives in the states… soo we will see! Then we went with our pilas investigator Edgar, he went to the temple today with the ward, anyways we taught him lesson 3 too! IT went really good, we put a meta with him to be baptized and he kind of accepted it but we will keep working on him to get his testimony even stronger!! We then went and visited and contacted people, we got lost a lot, but we found some really cool people! We also found another part of our area too! We then came back to Santa Ana and it took almost an hour, then we came back and we visited some investigators we had, but they werent there, but it has been pouring all day, but during this time it was a hurricane I swear, it was raining like crazy and there was so much fog and it was just so dark we could not see at all, it was kind of creepy. We then went with a member and they gave us cevado this drink made out of corn that is amazing and then we came back to the house and had some studies. 
Sunday-  Today we got up and got ready then we went to church and only one of our investigators showed up, kind of sad but its okay. Then we had the meetings and they went really good! It went really good. Then after church we went with all the leaders to visit this Hermana that got surgeries and we gave her the sacrament and then we shared some spiritual thoughts. LAter we came back and ate some chuchitos that a hermana gave us last night they were super good then we left to go visit, but the problem was that it was raining hard again. We left and got soaked, then the sun came out and it was way hot, anyways we went really far! We found a couple of new people and then kept walking, I slipped twice and landed straight on my butt, but I didnt break a finger this time haha!! We then contacted a ton!! It went really good we contacted a lot and it was just so fun. We had a good time and lots of laughs! WE then finished it off by contacting a in active member and sharing a message with him, we then came back to the church and made some cookies to bring down to our bishop before he left back to momos!
But overall this week was full of great moments and spiritual liftings! But it is so great to be a missionary, I love it, I love talking to people and loving them every single day. I love seeing people smile when they really dont have anything, I love being a missionary,and I love being in this area of Santa Ana Momostenango, it is amazing and I wish every single one of you could see it!! Miss and love all you guys!! Till next week!
Elder Montoya
Youll have to read the message before the pics to find out.
But just some walking around in mountains, some washing in a pila, some little kids happy! Some very cool photoshoots, brownies!!!


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