
Showing posts from June, 2019

New Young Bishop

Monday- Today we got up and went right to momos, we got to the zone leaders house and dropped off a few things, then went over to the church. We met all the hermanas and zone leaders for my district activity. We made tacos!! We all started to cook, like everybody and it was a little crazy but it went really good, we finished had a prayer and watched a movie while we ate the tacos!! It was really fun!! After we played uno for a couple of hours, then we left and went to write our parents, that went really good. After writing we all went and got ice cream after, then we had to go to look for a family, so my comp and I left but we didn't find one, everybody just kept denying us. We then went to a family home evening with a member from the ward over here, her son is leaving on a mission this week, but the whole zone came over, all 24 of us!! Crazy! It was a big testimony meeting and went really good!! I loved it! After all the elders ran back to the ZL house as fast as we could, to ge

Groceries in Suitcases

Monday- today we got up super early and made our way to the center of Momos, we met with all the elders from our zone and hermanas, there are 24 of us!!! We are the biggest zone in our mission! BUt we went to xela, and went to walmart and bought tons of food for the month, we all brought suitcases and put that food in our suitcases haha and then we all went bowling, it was so fun!! We bowled for like an hour and a half, then we went to subway and it was delicious!! Later my comp and I went to a place to get his glasses, the rest of the zone called and said that the bus was  leaving to momos, we hurried and ran like a mile, the bus was leaving and they saw us, threw our suitcases up on top and we jumped on haha! After we arrived in momos again, we went and wrote our parents, that went really good! Later we worked in the area of the zone leaders for the night, after that we came back to the house and there was like 16 elders in the same house, we put together all the mattresses and mat

Momos, Santa Ana

Wednesday- Today we got up and got ready, we finished all of our studies and then waited a little bit for our comps to come finish divisions, they didnt catch a bus back, so we went to lunch and ate this grilled cauliflower, it was so so good and the first real food I've had in awhile. We then found 2 really nice families, and had a prayer with them and then came back to the house. We finished divisions and then my comp and I went to the internet to write our parents for an hour! It went really good, we then came back to our area and worked for about a hour! Thursday -Today we woke up and we didnt have much clean clothes, and there is not someone that can wash them here, so we washed pretty much all of our clothes this morning, Im still crippled which sucks, so I just washed my white shirts with one hand, and the rest my comp finished for me, what a great comp! We then planned our week for this upcoming one, and that went really good, we got a lot planned and put a g

District Leader - Thumb Frustrations

mOnday- We woke up this morning and got ready and left to Xela, we had our interviews with President, I was kind of mad that they were after we knew about changes, but I went with it, anyways they went pretty good it was really fast, I wanted to talk more but its all good, he called me as District leader! Awesome! Well I already know what to do, because pretty much all of my comps were district leaders also! We then went to wendy's to eat, that was so so so good… I don't think you guys realize how good it is to eat somewhere like that when you havent forever haha. We came back and the senior missionaries of our mission came and got my suitcases and took them to the office because of my thumb! We then wrote our fams, and after I went and visited a bunch of members and my convert before I left! Tuesday -Today we got up at 4ish and took a bus to Xela, got have way with the hermans from the other area, and the bus stopped and told us to get off… we were kind of worried and we n