Oh there ain't no fleas on Joshie

Monday -today we got up and left early! We had to go to xela, we stopped at walmart first and got a couple things then we went to the offices and waited for like 2 hours, and finally our president showed up and interviewed us, we just talked with him about something then we left and went to this restaurant with really good burgers. WHile we were there, I got a call from the president, he asked me if we could be in a trio with this other elder! SO our zone leaders had changes well one of them went up to be assistant and the other one stays in Momos but in a trio with us, so we have to cover both areas now!! We came back with Elder Paxtor our new comp and wrote our families then my comp and I went to our area and Elder Paxtor stayed with some other elders in his area. 
Tuesday- WE got up and we went down to momos for our district meeting, I started it and it went good. So district meetings are for your districts, we do a little devotional at first then we talk about numbers, and then we help each other with investigators that are struggling and then I usually give a message about something and then we practice, but Ive been getting bored of doing a message all the time, so I thought of a game, we had 40 min and I wrote some things on the board likeƑ Go to a bus and give the driver a bag of water and then contact, or contact someone that has more than 80 years old, or have someone take your picture and then contact them, but I had a bunch and then they had points on the ends. Anyways I gave them 40 min to go and try to get as many as they could, we then came back added the points up and I bought something for the winners, but it was really good because we contacted a ton of people and they just shared the references with each other. It was different but really fun! After we went out to eat and then my comp and I went back to our area while our other comp stayed with some other missionaries. We then came back and we visited some families that live way up in the mountains, we walked all the way up there and nothing… its hard when you walk for more than an hour and no one is there, we just contacted and found some neat people. Later we contacted this family that was praying out loud like crazy and they were kind of saying they would curse us if we go in.. and all this crazy stuff haha, so we just left! We went with a member and he made us some dinner and we shared a scripture and then he helped us learn some Kiche.
Wednesday- Today we got up and had Leg Day, it killed us we were dead after. WE then got ready super fast because we had a cita with an investigator at 8[30 but he lives in Tunayac which is like an hour away. We got ready fast and we left a little late, so we ran for a bit through the mountains and everything, we got there and he wasn't there….. We were like okay we didnt come down here for no reason, we looked for some in active members and they werent there either… awwhhhh!! We were kind of frustrated but while we're coming back we stopped by this one girls house, we taught her family and her The book of Mormon and we read a little bit with them, they really liked it! We then came and we did some studies and then had lunch. Later we then went with this one lady that is super pilas, she is awesome, she visits everyone and just helps everyone out when she needs a lot of help with her kids and everything. We then visited a bunch of other people and they werent there either… we had to go to momos, so we took the last bus at 7[30 and got there and met up with our other comp, and we slept in momos for the night. 
Thursday- Today we got up and we had our weekly planning, and that went really good we feel really good on what we are doing with our ward and the branch we are covering. So we worked here in momos today, it went really good we went with a lot of great people and visited a bunch of cool members we worked hard today and it felt really good! We then came home and went to sleep after drinking some of this brazil soda that is so good. Its called Guarana!
Friday- Today we got up super early, and we had to go to my appt for physical therapy and it went really good! I was all alone this time and the lady was hurting me ahah, but it went well, I'm progressing! We then came back to momos and then came back to santa ana, our area finally we left our comp with some members in the center. We then left to go visit some people with these kids we have in our ward, it went really well, they loved visiting with us and helped us a lot! We found a lot of new people thanks to them. We then went with some in active members and it went really good we shared some really good thoughts, when we were walking back to the house, I slipped down this hill and my comp was coming down and slipped also haha!
Saturday We got up this morning and we went for a short run, it went awesome! I love running but I'm so out of shape! We then came back and got ready. We met with our investigators Wendy and Paola and it went really good, they are reading the Book of mormon and they are taking notes as well!! We then went to tunayac with a young member, we ran down there as fast as we could, we visited with these kids we are teaching, then we had to run back here to have our activity. We had this big activity at the church, we had this thing where we taught the restoration through little rooms and we took the people around and different organizations taught it went really good. We then handed out things at the end, not a lot of investigators showed up  but a ton of members did, and I think it was good to kind of remind the members about it. We then cleaned up and went out to visit a couple of people then we came back and made some brownies with a member, then went down to his house to eat dinner and it went really good! The brownies turned out amazing! 
Sunday- Today we got up and called and went out to get some of our investigators, only like 2 showed up though, we then had church and it went really good lots of good messages shared! Later my comp and I left early and we went down to momos, I had to do some interviews for the Hermanas, this one lady didn't speak spanish at all, just Quiche!! I did the interview in Quiche!! And she understood me so that was an awesome experience and I felt really good! Then I interviewed her husband who did speak spanish which was good, he had a really cool conversion story and just was an awesome little old guy, I love doing interviews and seeing how happy these people are to take this decision to be baptized it's awesome to see the Joy on there faces! We then came back with our other companion to our area, we ate lunch and after we left to go visit this member that is kind of struggling with his faith! It went really well, he loved the visit and we ate some beans and eggs with him, we then went up to this other member who is struggling with addictions, we shared some really good scriptures with him about faith and trusting in the lord and repentance and he loved and expressed his feelings a lot which was really good, it was so good to help him and see him get excited and want to change for good. AFter the cita I just felt amazing! I love helping the people here in Santa Ana Momos, a place that not a lot of people know but I love these people with all my heart and that's what I want to do everyday of my mission just love these people! They are amazing and have the cutest kids and just have such great faith, I love this gospel and everything it has brought to me and my family!! I testify in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. Miss and love you guys dearly!! 
Elder Montoya

Fotos!! A awesome view!! My comp has fleas!!! haha  My awesome district meeting and a blue bird, help me find out what kind of bird it is!!


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