
Monday -today we got up and we left to Xela early in the morning, we got there and I had to go to the doctor to get appts set up for my physical therapy and then we left to walmart to buy some food! Then we all met up with the zone and went bowling! After that we got subway and then we went by the office to pick up a few things! We then came back to momos, wrote our parents and then went back to our area, we got to our area and went with a member for a family home evening and it went great! We then came back to the house and did some studies.
Tuesday -Today we got up and got ready and then left right away to momos! We got there and had our district meeting, and then I shared some good thoughts with my district and after we had a little treat. Then we went out to eat with the whole zone and after went back to our area! We left to go contact some people and found a couple and then we went to some investigators we had and just met and checked up on them. 
Wednesday- So we got up today and had our studies, then we left to momos, I had to do an interview, so we got there and it was with these two little kids that were 10 and 11, anyways the hermanas were saying they were from the states and I was like really. When I did the interviews they wanted me to do it in english, it was a little weird! But I just translated all the questions into english and it went really good, they are the funniest little and amazing kids ever! They know perfect spanish and english its awesome! After the lady gave us lunch and gave us this huge fish! I like fish but its hard to eat when there are like 50 million bones in them! We then came back and went to Tunayac and we found these people working on a road! We helped them hit the road with pickaxes then shovel the leftovers into wheelbarrows, it was hard work but we got it done and it went really good! We contacted a bunch just from that! Later we helped this drunk guy that was like dead in the forest haha, get up and get to his house! He stunk so bad but it felt good helping him, we basically carried him there, cause he was in another world haha! We then visited a bunch of people and helped them feel the spirit when we shared some scriptures with them!
Thursday- Today we got up early again, we had to go to Xela once again, for my dumb physical therapy! It went well, just wasted 40 min of my life, I just sat there with a hot towel, and cold towel, then they did these baby exercises with me haha. We came back and brought the zone leaders some pizza, then we came back to our area and left to go with these in active members, we got there and they weren't there. Kind of blows cause we walked like an hour out there! We then went with this old lady who is in active too, and we visited her and she kept telling us how her birthday was this Saturday and we said we would pass by and give her snack! She got all happy, we then went with some members and had dinner, they gave us this chicken that had this sweet flavor it was different but amazing! And my first dinner in a while haha! 
Friday-  Today we got up and visited a ton of people in the morning, then we left to go visit some other people on a whole different mountain! Later we had some family home evenings with some families and then we left to go to momos, we went to have dinner with our bishop that lives out there. We then slept in the zone leaders house.
Saturday- we got up and left and went back to our area, we had an activity with the youth and we walked all the way to the church in tunayac! It went great, we were contacting people and found this kid that is really awesome, he said he has been waiting for us to come and how he wants to be like us and was asking us all these questions and stuff, but it was really awesome, we left him with a book of mormon and we will see what happens. LAter we went with this old lady called margarita, it was her birthday and we shared something with her, then we gave her a piece of cake we bought before, she then said that she had a pinata and we had some candy in our bags from giving it to the kids, she said we should break it for her, so we tied it up and had her hit it for a bit, one of the best sights I've ever seen, she was so happy and just so grateful, she said she had never celebrated like that before! She is like 70 but was very grateful. We then left and went with some members and investigators and taught about baptism which went really good!
Sunday Today we got up early and we ran to Tunayac to get our investigator edgar that is super awesome, we ran through the mountains with my comp in our church clothes and were dripping sweat when we got there! We got there and he was ready with his mom and sister!!! They left with us, we walked back to Santa Ana, and went to church they really liked it and were happy to be there! The mom is a member, but has been awhile since she has gone to church, but we are going to continue working with them, because they are super pilas! We then had to get ready because I got to baptize this little kid in our ward and then my comp confirmed him, that went really good and was really cool! We then left out in the pouring rain to go contact some people, we got lost in the forest, my comp slipped and fell but we contacted a lot of people! So that was good, and we put some more citas with other peeps. 
BUt overall this week was awesome, it was fun and we worked hard! I love being a missionary and I hope all of you are doing okay and well, miss and love you guys!!
Elder Montoya
Pics to come!!! Promise!


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