New Comp, Many Nans, Tz'j, Ruk tats

monday- Today we got up, we carried my comps packages up the bus stop and took them to Momos, then had to go to Xela again, we got there and waited forever for the doctor again! Then I went in and he talked about my physical therapy and then he took out my stitches, it went well. We then had to go get some shoes for my comp and after we were about to get on a bus to go back, then a member called and invited us to eat at panda in Xela, so we went and he paid for us! It was so good!! We then came back to momos, got haircuts and wrote our parents! It went really well. Then we slept in the Zone leaders house.
Tuesday -We all got up super early and left to changes, we got the church and sat down, everyone was talking and other peeps were trying to be quiet and study scriptures, but you can just feel the tension in changes, everyone is so nervous or even scared. We had a ton of changes in the zone momos, but I got a new comp! His name is Elder Bingham, he is from Ogden Roy Utah! Another gringo!! Ive talked to him before so we knew each other. I was so excited, after the meeting, I said goodbye to some good friends that are leaving the mission it was hard to say goodbye! Two of my old comps left! We then got our stuff and took a bus to momos with most of the zone, we got to momos, and my comp was just asking so many questions about our area haha, I was literally like its just mountains and mountains! You will lose weight fast and your legs will get big from hiking. He was surprised when it was true haha! We then got back to our area and went clear out in the middle of nowhere! We found this in active member and it went really good with her, we taught about faith and invited her to the church. We then came back and visited some other members!
I'm just going to sum up the next four days in a paragraph because we pretty much did the same thing, we left and contacted like crazy, like crazy! We talked with 58 people one day, some are nice and some aren't. We had an old lady trick us, she said she would wait so that we could help her carry her wood back to her house, but then we went to contact the house and came back and she was gone! Ahh little old lady!! But talked with a ton of people, we have some people that are really positive and we might get some more investigators. We found this lady washing clothes and asked if we could help, she said yes just joking then we went and helped her was a huge basket load of clothes but the best part was that it was in the river.. So much fun!! She was so happy!!!and thankful! Um Lots and lots of dogs, really close to biting us but we used the book of mormon and branches, and rocks. Lots of rocks, but some of these dogs have no chill, they will do anything they can to attack us, but we survived, no one got bit but a lot of close calls. My new comp is awesome, he wants to work hard and I do too! We are having so much fun together!! Its so fun to work so hard every single day and see the miracles just come and come! These past days have been some of the most tiring days ever!! But I am so grateful to be here and working like this, it's crazy how hard we work. Everyday when I get in bed my legs are done, and I sleep like a baby!! But it has been so fun with my comp, he is awesome and I can't wait for more miracles and blessings we can have in the future! I know this is the true church, I have no doubt in that or I wouldn't have come out here! I know Jesus Christ died for us so that we can repent for our sins and live! This gospel is amazing and can bless our lives so so much! I love you guys a ton and hope everything is going well!!!Miss ya! Till next week!!!
K’a Twaj
Elder Montoya


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