Week 39

Tuesday -So we got up and I was feeling a lot better, not the best , but a lot better. We traveled to Xela, got to go through the temple, it went really good, I noticed some changes since the last time I have been, but it was really nice, and the spirit was so strong, I just love being in the temple, I feel the closet with Heavenly Father there!! After we ate lunch and I ate for the first time! After that we went back to Nahuala and the bus took forever, we then wrote our parents. We then went to our convert and taught her about temples, and she really loved it, she is so excited to get family names and do baptisms.
Wednesday- Today we got up and I was feeling a lot better, not the best but a lot better, Today is when we just knock on doors all day, we had a ton of success today, we probably knocked half of this municipal doors, and we found a lot of people that are kind of interested, everybody here is really nice people and others not much haha, but it was great day, following the Holy spirit and helping people come unto christ. I love being a missionary!!!
Thursday- We got up and we had some studies in the morning and then we got to plan this next week coming up, it went really good and we got a lot of things planned and goals made for this upcoming week, and planned for our investigators what we are going to be teaching them, we then left to go hiking, haha we hiked this huge mountain and did some contacts and met some people up there, we then went with some investigators, some seem really interested and some not as much. But it went really good, we then met with this one that lives in the middle of nowhere haha, it went really good, he was happy to see us and hear from us I think, he doesn't speak that much Spanish haha, we then did some service with a member to end it off!
Friday- Today we went to a cita in the morning to teach this young lady, and it went really good, she understood and asked a lot of questions which really helped her to understand more of the gospel. Then we went with a reference that we got, they only speak Quiche, her husband died like 2 years ago and she has two little kids, anyways they do not have a lot of money.. They just sleep on the dirt ground and eat whatever they can when they earn money in the day.. It's sometimes really hard to see how people live, but I feel so humble for them and I'm just so grateful for what I have! But we taught them Plan of Salvation and they really liked she was really feeling the spirit and she loved it. Later we got to go with our mission leader at night and we got to talk about a lot of investigators with him and plan some activities. It was a really good hard working day!
Saturday -We got up really early today and jogged to the church to fill up the Pila for a baptism for the ward, we got ready and went to the baptism and this little girl from ward was baptized. She had a lot of people that were not members come and we got to contact a lot of people. We then did some service and helped clean and move things in this members house. We then met with this Investigator at night he is 18 and his parents died a year ago, he lives by himself with his two younger brothers and he just takes care of him, we taught him about the Plan and how he can be with his parents again, but yeah it went really good and the spirit was really strong.
Sunday-Today we got up really early again, we got ready and left to go get some young kids, we hiked all the way up this mountain to go get them to come to church and they said they didnt want to come, which kind frustrated us cause we walked clear up there, but then we left in a bus with the ward to Toto for Stake conference. It went really good, I learned a lot, they talked a lot about marriage and sealings and ministering, it was really nice to hear from them. We then got to visit some investigators at night, this one guy Rifino, has a ton of questions and doubts but we answered all of them and he is pretty positive, it was a great lesson and night with them!
But overall this week was a great week, going to the temple was amazing and we found a lot of new people this week, so it's going really good, I hope everyone of you guys are doing well and working hard in whatever you are doing, Miss and love you guys so much, Have a great week, until next time!
Elder Montoya
These are all views from different areas in my area!!!! the last one with the smoke is from the other area in our zone!!!


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