Week 38 - Margarita's Baptism

Monday- We got up and I read Joseph Smith History, then I went running with Elder Tukuafu and he was dying, I was too but he really was haha. It was so nice to get out and run, it felt amazing. We then came back and cleaned the house a little bit, then Elder Lopez and I went and got our haircuts after we met up with the others and went to eat at the only restaurant and only pizza place here haha, after we wrote our families. Later in the night we had a Noche de Hogar con Margarita our investigator, it went really good we played a couple games! We then met with Hmo Diego and his family and shared a little though about enduring to the end.
Tuesday- We got up and then went to Chirijox for our district meeting, it went really good, I learned a lot. Later in the evening we went and visited a couple of people with Diego a member, he helped translate a little bit, and really helped us with our investigator Miguel and his family, he took it really well, and the spirit was so strong during the lesson and I don't know I just feel something special about them, my comp does too, I hope they can come to know its true! We then came back to the house and had study time.
Wednesday- Today we went with a couple of people in the morning and knocked on doors, we got a lot of contacts but then later in the night we went with our investigator Margarita and taught her couple commandments and then read the BofM with her and she really understood and said she received a answer last night that this was the true church!!
Thursday- We got up and we had our planning for the next, we did a little bit of that, we then left a dress with Margarita to try on for her baptism, then we went and did service with a member, we washed her little puppy haha, it was really fun. After lunch we came back and did our studies and finished our planning. We then went with a couple of new people and taught them the first lesson and that went really good, they understood and some wanted us to come back and others no.. We then visited with a family and they gave us dinner!! We never get dinner, but it was really good! We then had to go pick up the other Elders dinners, because there is a fried chicken and fry place and the owner of our house owns it, his name is ShuShu, he always hooks us up and he has the best smoothies too!!
Friday -Today we got up and so we could not find any more dresses or jumpsuits that would fit Margarita because she's like 6 months pregnant, so we had to go to Xela this morning and go to the mission office and pick up a dress, then we came right back, dropped the dress off with her and it fit! We then went to lunch and after had our studies, then we had the baptism at 3!! IT went really good, she was really nervous but she felt so good she said. I had to give a talk because one of our members didn't show up, I got to bare my testimony in Quiche! My comp baptized and it went really good! I love baptisms, the spirit is so strong and I just feel so happy!! After the baptism we went and visited with a couple members and got references from them, and we shared little thoughts with them.
Saturday -Today we got up and got ready, but the water always goes out!! So we have to go up stairs to this pila fill a bunch of gallons of water and then bring it down and shower with a bowl and the gallons of water but the water is freezing too…. Not the funniest. We then left to go hiking in the mountains basically there is a area called Chupiatuj and it is way far and away in the mountains, anyways we went to go contact a couple of people and found a lot of people there, we then had to go to the other side of Nahuala for lunch, and she gave us a hard boiled egg and some beans, but even though it's not a lot of food, I'm so very grateful for her and her will to give us food, all she had to eat with her kids was two hard boiled eggs, with her two kids, Im very grateful her, we then went and visited a couple investigators and that went really good and we got to invite them to baptism if they receive a answer from god, it went really good. We then met with Margarita our convert, we taught her commandments and a little bit more about what's going to happen tomorrow at church. We all stayed up really late tonight because one the pair of hermanas was not picking up there phone and was answering, so we called a bunch of people then at like 11:30 found out that they lost it because they called us on a members phone, but yeah pretty crazy haha.
Sunday -today we got up and got ready and went to church for Margaritas confirmation, so usually someone from the bishopric does it, but they were announcing it and then they were like Elder Montoya will confirm her, I was like what!!! I've never done it before and I had to do it in front of everyone, I got my mission manual read a little bit, then did it!! It was amazing, I did correct and I could feel the spirit really really strong!! After church we visited with some investigators and it went really good, we had some good lessons about Plan of Salvation, and the restoration. We came back to the house and got ready for bed.
Monday -So we didn't get P day today because we are going to the Temple tomorrow, and that will be our P day, anyways we had our district meeting with our Zone, it went really good, I learned a lot of stuff, and we made a lot of really good goals. So we went to get lunch after and I was not feeling good at all!! I puked like 5 times on our way back to the house, then we got to the house, I was in the bathroom not doing well, my comps called the Doctor of the mission, and she said I needed to stay inside all day and rest! I did not want to, I wanted to go work, but my comps were like you can't save anybody if you are trying to save yourself haha, I was really mad, but all day I had a big fever and was puking and a lot of other stuff.. I pretty much slept all day… It felt like I had the Bubonic plague haha. Then when the other elders got back, I had them give me a blessing and my comp gave me a awesome blessing, and I felt a little better after. We then went to sleep.
Tuesday -This morning I woke up feeling a lot better, my fever is gone but I can't eat anything because it will just right back out, but Im feeling a lot better! We getting ready to go to the temple, Miss and love all you guys back at home, Pray for you guys everyday, and keep doing what you are doing. I'm having fun out here, except for yesterday haha, but Im okay and loving the mission.
Elder Montoya


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