Week 28

Monday- today we got up and we got to go to malacas its a area like 40 min away, we went there and cleaned out the house, because they switched the area and no missionaries will live there anymore, we cleaned the house and oh it disgusting but we got it done!! We then came back and bought food for our house, later we got our haircuts, then we went to a family, we had dinner there and it was super good but a lot of food! Then after that house we went to another house and they gave us more food!! It was really good, we then went to another house after and guess what we had,more food!! I couldn't finish it haha, we took the leftovers home, we came home and chilled then slept like 2 hours then woke up at 12 again to see all the fireworks and say happy new year!!! IT was great!!
Tuesday-So here today, everybody has work off, like everybody! BUt we and visited some converts and shared a little thought with them. LAter we went to visit this new family, it went really good, we showed a little video about the new year and talked about them coming closer to christ it went really good with them. Then we got to visit with our bishop a little and talk about things that we needed later. We then played soccer with some investigators for a little bit, then visited this kid from the streets and he seemed really interested.
Wednesday-  Today was Day of The Millennial, so we got to cosechar the whole day or knock on all the doors, we started in a area way far away, it didn't go really well, we only had 1 person let us in and talk, the other 50 did not want anything but oneday! After lunch we found like 12 new people and then our Zone LEaders came and helped complete our goal, we found 15 in total for the day!! And with our Zone we found 99 new people in total!!It was a great day, I love following the spirit and finding the houses we need to go to!! I love meeting new people too!
Thursday- Today we got up and got ready then we went to our District Meeting, it went really good, we got a lot of goals planned for the upcoming weeks, we then had some McDonalds for lunch and I havent had it forever, it was really good haha, we then had interviews with our president! It went awesome!! A lot of big news!! He was like Elder Montoya you are going to be a trainer, I was so happy, but then I was like but President am I going to stay in cerrito or leave? He was like well you have 6 months here.. I said I love my ward and they are awesome but I'm ready to leave haha, he was like alright you will be leaving then haha, later I asked some more questions and he said I might be a leader as well this next change!! Its crazy! I felt so good after the interview and can't wait for this next change, later we had a noche de hogar in the mountains, we started heading there, then the president called and told us we need to go back to church to do divisions, because my comp has a meeting tomorrow for the leaders, and I was going to stay with the missionaries of Las Flores, we went and the President drove me to Las Flores and then took my comp and other leaders to Xela, I got to be with Elder Laws(reminds me so much of my friend Mckay!He is from Utah) then Elder Morales, (he is from costa rica) We left walking, we walked like 5 miles to the place then we came late but oh well haha, later we went back to there house and it's like having a sleepover with them haha, it was so fun!! Talked and laughed all night!
Friday- Today we got up and got ready they had there weekly planning and I just kind of studied haha, we then left and went with this group of little kids and taught them about following the prophet, that went really good!! We gave out so many Book of Mormons today on the buses, we just talk and if they seem interested we give them one, but we then visited new family they had and that went really good, we talked about the basic principles with them and they seem really interested! We then went down this part were there were a couple of dogs, they started barking and we just kept walking then 5 more came and more and more, there was like 30 different dogs, they were all mad, and then we started throwing rocks and just trying to be big and loud, but then all of them just started coming haha, we ran for our lives and no one got bitten! Haha what a experience, we then visited with a family later in the night, we talked about the Plan of Salvation, it went really good!! Later we met up with my comp in centro and finished divisions!! Today was a great day with them!!
Saturday- Today we got up and got ready then we went straight to a members house to do some service, we painted this wall for like 2 hours haha, he wanted it a certain way so we did that! Then after we to lunch with bishop and just talked about some mission work for a bit. Later we visited with some new families we found the other day, we had some great lessons with them!! Later in the night we went to a Tienda to buy some stuff for dinner, this guy just started talking our ears off with his wife, they said they had a kid on a mission, we then asked if they were members, they said no, but support him and are proud of him. It was really cool, they bought our dinner{s for us!! Really cool experience!
Sunday -Today we got up and had some study time, we then went our Stake Conf, our president came and spoke, the stake conf went really good!! Later after lunch, we went to the church to see Two of my converts and a young kid that's one of my good friends in the ward, be ordained to a Elder and receive the Melchizedek Priesthood, I got to stand in all the circles and it was such a great experience, the spirit was so so strong and they just hugged me forever, and thanked me! It was amazing! We then left and visited some other families and talked with a couple of our investigators and it went really good, they are really progressing!! It was such a good day!
Im having a blast out here, the last year went by so fast, I reflected about my year, how I graduated High School, went through the temple, then came to mission, I don't have a lot of time, but I have already learned so so much, and keep bettering myself everyday. I hope you guys have a great new year and keep bettering yourselves everyday!! It's so crazy sometimes, that IM in Guatemala!! Preaching the Gospel in different languages!! I love what Im doing and miss all you guys!!! Love you all! And have a great week!! Oh By the way it has been like a desert here, it is so hot!!!


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