Week 22: SVU Mattress Out

Now this is this week!! hope you enjoy!!
Monday- Today we got up and got ready, we had to bring the old mattress up our hill and give them to our owners. We then went to Centro to buy a few things, we then met with The District to say goodbye to Hermana Garcia, because her ankle was really bad and they had emergency changes, we took pics then said goodbye. We then went to a restaurant and had these huge burgers. After we wrote everybody, then later we went hiking haha, to this member's house, they showed us a non member family, and then we had a Noche De Hogar)Family Home Evening= it went really good, we talked about faith and the spirit was so strong. We then walked back and made some sandwiches at home.
Tuesday- We got up and we got ready then we had to go to the internet, to fill out these forms for us. After we had some study time outside because it was way hot! We then tried to visit with some people and a lot weren't home, but this new family we met, we have tried to stop by but they were never home, but we found them today, but.. The young girls said they wanted to hear from us but there parents wouldn't let them, because they are a different religion, it was hard to hear that but we left our number if they ever need anything. We then visited with Paola and they have actually been reading the book of mormon!! We had a great lesson and after they were asking who can baptize them, I cant wait!!
Wednesday- today we got up early and had to travel an hour to this church for the Zone Conference, it went really good! The President talked to us about repenting and to better ourselves each day. He talked about the scriptures and the importance to study Preach My Gospel! IT was great and for lunch they made us a Thanksgiving Dinner, it was so good!! They even had Pumpkin Pie!!! And aww that was so nice!! After we walked back and we visited with some of our newer investigators and it went really good. We visited with this non active family and had a really good lesson with them and left some commitments with them!
Thursday- Today is Thanksgiving!! It is sad, because I always spend time with my family today, but it's all good. We had to plan our week for next week. Then we visited with some of our investigators and our families. We invited a investigator Roderico to be baptized! But we don't have a date for him yet, but he said he would! Then we visited with some other really good people. Later we had a meeting with our Mission Leader and that went really well. After we played soccer with the youth and some of our investigators, it was really fun!! We had a team of my comp and I and our investigators it was pretty cool and fun! We then came back and I made some stuffing for my Comp, he has never had it before, and he Loved it haha. I then told what we do on thanksgiving and we just talked about our families all night.
Friday- Today we got up and we met up with the Zone Leaders, we had divisions, I got to go with Elder Espinoza, one of my best friends in the mission. He came to my area and we cosechar or knocked on doors the whole morning but we found a lot of new people and I love meeting new people and getting to talk to them. We then had some appts later and it went really good. When we had Lang Study time, he taught me a little bit of Quiche and we practiced on some people in my area! We then met with this little girl getting baptized this sunday and it is so fun teaching little kids, because you have to teach them different for them to understand but I love it!! We had a lot of fun and we talked all day long in  between houses. We ordered pizza and just talked about what we did at home and our missions!
Saturday- we got up and we met  up with our comps and ended divisions. But later we met up again a little later, because my comp had to give a interview to two of their investigators that live far away. We went and something funny happened. When he finished interviewing them he asked, Who do you want to baptize you_  And one of the little girls said you! To my comp haha!! And my comp has never met her before, we now have to come back next weekend for that haha. We then came back and worked really hard all day and it went really good, we got a lot done! We are dead tired and have to get up early to go pick up some of our investigators!
Sunday -Today we got up early to go retrieve our investigators, and none of them answered the door or phone… sucks, but we had a miracle happen, a old investigator came and we were so happy haha. Church went really well, The first counselor in the stake came and taught, he taught a really good class about Ministering. We then visited with Paola and she is doing well, we then visited with my Mom here haha, her husband is kind of inactive and we taught him the first lesson again with some missionaries of the ward, it went really good and the spirit was really strong!!
Overall this week was really great, we had a lot of success and a lot of baptisms coming up in the next month!! But I'M loving it out here, I have learned so much spanish, I have learned so much more about this gospel and I love it and love sharing it!I hope all you guys are doing good! Love and miss you all!
Elder Montoya


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