Week 22: Back Dated

Im sorry guys this was from like 3 weeks ago and 2 weeks ago, hope you enjoy
Monday   Today we went to Xela for my comp appt with the doctor. He had to get his toenail cut off, not good but I got a video if any of you want to see it, email me haha. Anyways after we got to go to walmart!! Haha it was so nice, then we went out to eat with these missionaries in a area down there at this really good burger place. We then came back to HueHue later.
Tuesday   We got up got ready for the day, we had some appts but my comp is not supposed to walk on his foot for a week, but we to some appts and visited with some of our priority families. IT was a great day, but my companion is hurting.
Wednesday   today is the day of the millennial, where we cosechar the whole day and try to find as many people or families as we can. The doctor of the mission called and told my companion that we can only go to references and not cosechar. That didn't stop him haha, we walked the whole day, and we even climbed this huge mountain and went to an area where no missionaries have been, and found this family of young girls that dont have a religion and are interested!! What a miracle, we have appt for next with them,during the evening we knocked on a door of a member, he let us in and told us that he has been inactive for 12 years, but last week he started to read the B of M again and wants to change his life around, he kept praying for what to do and who could help him, he said when he finished one of us prayers, we knocked on the door!! Crazy!! He wants to start coming to church again and wants to get his wife and daughter baptized, I can't wait to help him, he is a great guy! At the end of the day we found 11 people!! And our whole mission together found 1080 new people!! A lot fo miracles today and great work done!!
Thursday   we got up and got ready we had to plan our next week, and it is looking good, we got a lot of positive investigators. My companion is hurting today from yesterday, we kind of stayed in the house and studied but later went out with the Hermanas and they showed us a contact that is really positive. We then visited with our Inv. Michael the one that broke his collarbone, it was nice and he is not doing well but it was a good visit with him. I really hope we can baptize him, he is such a great person!!
Friday   We got up today and we had a lot of study time, we contacted a lot of people today. We then met with a friend of Giselle, she is a member and we talked to her about Giselle and how we can get her to activities and church. We then had meeting with our Mission Leader and the Missionaries of the ward and we got to talk about their roles and how they can work with us to help bring more people unto christ, it was really nice! We then had pizza after with them!
Saturday   Today we got up and had our studies and then we had some really good lunch, she made us some chicken, with Rice and this very good fruit, I don't know what it is called but I'll have to find out, it is yellow and has seeds in it, it is as big as a pear, So good though. We then met with this new investigator out of our area, but we have permission to go it is like 3 miles away for us and we walk. We then had to walk to another appt 6 miles away from where we were, we got to the house and they weren't there…. It sucks sometimes but oh well, we then met with our Investigator Michael, we talked with him with one of our ward missionaries, it went really well and then we gave him another blessing!
Sunday    today we woke up and went to church, today was the Primary Program, it was so cute, these little kids here, a lot of them have solo{s and they sing, it's so awesome!! My mom would die if she saw these little kids haha. We then later in the day got to help carry like 20 mattress to different homes of the ward members, after we visited with this family of the ward that has a missionary out, but comes back in December, but they thanked us and talked to us about our decisions of going on a mission, it was really nice and they are an awesome family. We then visited with Michael, so Michael is kind of hard person, he likes rock and is kind of rockstar in HueHue haha, but he has a hard heart, but we are just trying to be his friend and teach at the same time. We got permission to watch Meet the Mormons with him, it was really nice, I think he really liked it. It is always hard for me to watch it, especially at the end of the movie when the missionary leaves, cause its the same airport I left from and uhh haha, but I'm loving it out here!!
Monday   we got up and we had a district activity, we played soccer and some football, we then played some board games and went to dominos for lunch. It was really fun to spend time with my district, later in the night, my companion and I had to go to a appt that was so far away, we basically had to climb three mountains, and guess what he wasn't there… we waited half an hour because we weren't going to come out here for nothing. We then had to run to our next appt with this non active family for a Noche de Hogar, you can translate that haha, but it went really good and they said they are not skipping church ever again haha.
Tuesday   we woke up and had a district meeting in the morning, that went really good, we then got to go to breakfast as a district and then we came back to the church for Emergency Multi Zone conf, the president talked about the importance of teaching the book of mormon throughly, and focusing more on that when we teach and in our study times. He then gave us new goals, we need to find 30 references, 16 New Investigators, 8 Progressing Investigators, 4 about to be baptized and 2 baptized and confirmed each week, those are kind of high but we are going to work as hard as we can to try to achieve these haha. We then had some visits cancel on us and we taught one guy and the spirit was so strong and he is progressing a lot!
Wednesday    today we got up and we got ready then we had to go to the internet to fill out a survey the church has given us, that went pretty good. We then went to lunch and after my comp was not doing good haha, we went back to the house. We then left to go do some visits and cosechar a little bit, some appts were home and others weren't but it was a really good night.
Thursday   we woke and got ready we had to plan a little talk for tonight, then we planned our week for next week. We have a lot of positive people in our next week! We then had lunch and oh she made us some chinese food and it was so good!!And of course the famous tortillas haha. We then had interviews with our president, that went really good, this was the first interview I could actually speak and know what he was saying haha, but I might get to stay in Cerrito until after christmas with E, Alagon!! And we talked about my old comp, but it went really good. We then left and went out into the mountains for some people, they weren't there and we met some other people! Later we had a Noche De Hermanamiento, it's where the ward gets together and has a spiritual thought and a little game and a snack after. This lady needed help, so we took the spiritual thought, we taught about Eternal Families and it went really good, it's crazy, I actually feel like I can talk without getting nervous or messing up! I love it!!
Friday    Today we got up and it was freezing cold in our house! We went and did service for the Bishop and we helped his mom move her Garden and help her move plants around, we then went to lunch and after we left for the mountains and our people weren't there, we then met with this guy that works a lot and his whole family is members, but he works so much and is interested and we finally found him and taught him and have more appts for next week. We then met with Michael and he is awesome, but he is in a band, and he sings… but its like a screamO band… haha, he showed us a video but yeah haha, he is a really good person and is very interested.
Saturday    Today we got up really early and left for Xela on the bus, for some reason today on the bus was packed and it sucked cause there is like 4 people to a seat and people in the middle standing and you just have to wait to the end to finally be free haha, we arrived and went to breakfast at Xela Pan which is amazing haha, we then went to a baptism of this guy that my comp taught a while ago but this baptism was special. This guy has been taught by different missionaries for almost a year, he didn't invite anyone, just the missionaries, so it was a baptism full of missionaries it was a really cool and spiritual experience. We then came back and visites some families and tried our investigators, but none were home!! We had some good lessons with families.
Sunday    Today we woke and went to church, then we had a really good meeting after church with the ward leaders. After we went to lunch and she gave us fish, but like the whole fish!! Haha I was a little weirded out but I ate it haha. We then had a meeting with the missionaries in our zone about a activity coming up. After we visited with Paola and her two kids, we had a really good lesson and invited all three of them to be baptized on the 15th of December!! They all said yes! SO that's awesome!!
Overall these weeks have been awesome and i'm learning so much! I love it out here, and I love what I'm doing, its gets hard sometimes but nothing is easy. I hope all of you are doing awesome! Miss and love you guys!!


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