Week 17: Coco

Monday- We got to wake up early and we went to the church to play soccer with the ward. It was pretty fun!! We then bought stuff for dinners at the local Paiz, after we went to a member's house to have pizza and visit with them.

Tuesday- We had to wake up really early to go to the church with our district, and we taught school of like 150 youth!! It was awesome but so nerve racking, we got to introduce ourselves then we taught them the restoration. It was nice, after we visited with some more families.

Wednesday- we woke up early for a zone conference, it was awesome our President gave us a surprise and we got to watch coco!!! It was a really good conference. We then went to the doctor for my companion cause he has been sick.  We went and they said that he needs to lose weight and has to eat healthy, that's going to be challenge for him, haha.

Thursday- We had our usual morning, then we got to visit with Giselle, we had a great lesson with her and then we invited her to be baptized, her parents are of different religions, and her mom came in at the end and we had Giselle bear testimony that she knows the church is true. It was amazing and the spirit was so strong!!! She needs permission from her dad before, so we will see. We then had night for everybody at the church and after it was pouring rain and we had to walk home and we were soaked head to toe haha.

Friday- We visited with Leonor and got everything ready for Saturday, her interview with our President, he has to do it cause she has a problem with one of the questions. But later in the night, our owner of our house called us up and asked us if we wanted his weights, it's not much but will be very useful in the mornings!! We went up and got them, I'm so excited.

Saturday- We had divisions with the Hacedores, and I got to go with Elder Thornock, he is from Montana, and it was nice to teach people with him and I learned a lot!! We then had the interview with our President, she passed and all is well. Ready for this next Saturday! We then went to Centro to do divisions again with our Zone leaders, it was really fun.

Sunday- Today we woke up, well I woke up full of nerves. We had to speak in church about missionary work, I wrote my whole talk out in English, then translated it all haha. It went well, I was really nervous. But it was good. All the people said I did great but I don't know haha. Later in the night, we made lanterns with the Lopez Family, they are really close to us. It was fun, but they didn't work haha, I'll send the videos!!!

Overall this week was great and it's the last week with my companion, hopefully. I don't know yet, sharing the gospel is amazing and watching people grow in the gospel is amazing. I love it. Hope you all are good!! Miss and love you all!!


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