Week 5: Barber Shop Haircut #winning

(Updated CCM Branch Picture from July 20, 2018. Josh is right behind the CCM President's Wife Needing a Haircut)

Josh's Week 5 Letter

Thursday--some of us had to go to the immigration center and we had to leave really early in the morning to beat the line. Anyways we had to go in and wait like 3 hours still then, we had to sign like 2 papers and get a picture, to say that we are staying here or something. We saw lots of weird people there, but everyone is so nice. We had a convo with this one lady for like an hour, it was really cool to learn things about her. We then spent another 2 more hours waiting to go back, it was a long time. When we got back we had class and our teacher told us a story about his mission and being obedient. It was a scary story but it taught us really to be obedient to all the rules and he bore his testimony about as well. I have been learning a ton and it has been easier to understand things. It was a good day.

Friday-- so we had sports but the courts are so filled so my companion and I went and worked out and we did leg day haha with the weights they have haha. It was really funny cause my companion was like trying to pump me up, he was like screaming at me. We had personal study and I have been starting to read the Our Heritage book and it is so good. I'm not a good reader and I don't read at all, but I legit read this book all today, it was so cool and I really loved it. I learned a lot from it too. We had to teach and meet a TRC, which is a person from outside that could be a member or not. This lady was really nice and we got to know her really well, she is actually a professional dancer here, she is not active anymore and she had problems with things, and we got to teach and testify to her, it was really cool and a great experience to hear her stories. It was a great day and I'm learning a ton more, I just cant wait to get out here.

Saturday-- Today we had personal study for a long time and I got to read and study the scriptures in depth and it was really nice. We had to teach our investigator today, and we taught him about the law of chastity and it was really cool, my companion shared a really neat experience and you could definitely feel the spirit. We found out today, that the new guys got their haircuts, but they got their haircuts at a barber shop down the street and got to choose what they wanted. We were all a little salty, well the ones that have been here for 5 weeks. Our night teacher taught us how to teach the commandments and he shared experiences from his mission and he testified, it was really cool.

Sunday-- Today we got up and started our study time. I am fasting with my family for my grandpa that is sick, and I started yesterday after lunch. My companion and I got to teach our district about diligence and it went really well, we had a good lesson and I was able to share a comparison to life guarding and got to share a story about it. It was awesome. We then had sacrament meeting and one of the elders went down, haha, he had to speak and it was really good. But there was lots of good talks about faith.Then later at night we watched an older devotional with Jeffery Holland and it was really inspiring, I love Holland and when he talks.

Monday-- Today we had sports and we played four square the whole time and it got really intense when the President came out and played with us haha. Then we had to retake our big branch picture again. Right after, someone came in to take us to the barber shop, I have legit never been so happy to hear that. My hair grows fast and it was like a 'fro because of my buzz cut. Anyway, the barber didn't speak English but I was able to tell him what I wanted and WE talked the whole time in Spanish and it was really cool to get to know him. He gave me such a good haircut, and it feels so good. We then came back and had lessons on inviting people to come to church, it is really easy to explain that for some reason. Then we had to teach our other investigator tonight and we taught him the word of wisdom, we made plans with him and it was really good, because he is really committed to them. So there is a virus in the MTC and we can't shake hands and have to wash our hands a lot. I'm not sick, and I hope I don't get sick.

Tuesday-- We woke up today and we played basketball with some of the new missionaries and it was really fun. We then had to teach our other investigator today about the commandments and it went really well. We had him make goals for himself and he is really interested to try them. We then had a really cool devotional tonight. It was prerecorded and was by Russell Ballard, it was really awesome, he talked about the First Vision and how Joseph Smith’s faith grew throughout his life. Ballard testified and gave us some goals and things we should work on during our mission. It was cool and gave me a boost to boost my studying even more. We then had a district meeting and we shared personal experiences and how it related to the gospel and miracle moments. It was really cool and really spiritual.

All in all the CCM has been great but I'm also ready to get out of this place, haha, but also I am scared. I leave next week! SO next time I email, I'll be out in the field. I can’t wait to get out in the field but also really worried haha. We have a 5 hour drive to our mission, so its going to be cool to see most of Guatemala as I travel. I miss all of you guys! Talk to you next week!


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